Re: MOS/CSG Kicad library

Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2017 09:56:05 +0100
Message-Id: <>
> On 2017-11-29, at 07:16, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <> wrote:
>> In short: you export the netlist from eeschema and then import it into pcbnew. There is no direct connection/annotations between the two components as in EAGLE.
> Aha, that "simple". If it has been documented then I have missed or misinterpreted it being more or less biased by Eagle.

:-) Yes it may be hard to fathom it out after being spoiled by EAGLE's back and forward annotations, and especially when having a good use cases for those. Still, I can imagine living with this. Even the need to assign "footprints" to "components" as a separate subprocess isn't that bad although I am heavily used to the one step "fire'n forget" from EAGLE. Yes, we are biased.

One more thing. As someone who walks similar path as you I can probably advise: don't try to look for ways to do things only with your mouse (icons, menus, ...) that's frustrating in KiCAD (yeah... bias..). Look for the keystrokes you need to learn and learn them thoroughly. This makes a big difference and once you use them, your efficiency soars.

SD! -

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