Re: Bombjack

From: Anders Carlsson <>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2017 01:34:05 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Den 2017-09-28 kl. 22:48, skrev earth1dome1:
> David this is jeremy weirdwolf. I was downloading it. I was just 
> curious if it was still up?

It still works for me, and probably for the majority of people on the 
mailing list.

If the link doesn't work for you, I can think of three possiblities:

1. You have tried to leech the entire site and been IP blocked.
2. Your ISP has for some reason blocked access to that particular site 
or domain.
3. Your peering/routing along the way is broken, for an unknown reason.

So yes, the Bombjack site still exists and is updated pretty much daily.

Best regards

Anders Carlsson

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