RE: Data Becker CBM-8000 hi-res graphics

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <>
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 06:44:35 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Anders,

> Hopefully this will speed up the disassembly a bit.

To be honest, no. No offence meant and I really appreciate your effort. What I'm doing now is comparing the source code for the C64 with the one generated by my disassembler. So far the structure of the first 4 KB of the BASIC is almost the same. This enable me to give a name to the various RAM addresses used by the 8032. Having found the names, I did a second disassembly where I told my disassembler to use the found names. What I'm doing now is 1) copying the comments in general and those after the instructions and 2) giving the various jumps and subroutines a name. For example: P_ FFCC  becomes CloseIoChannls. Once all important labels have name, I'll run a program to export these labels. These will be fed to my disassembler again and then I will use it on the DB ROM so the list I gave you in a previous email will show understandable labels instead of these P_xxxx ones.

I'll keep your list anyway. If I happen to run into trouble, I always can have a look at it to see what you found so far. I am realistic, the BASIC part will be almost a one-to-one translation; having processed about 3800 bytes so far there is only a difference of 8 bytes. It becomes something different when reaching the Kernal part with all the I/O routines etc. I'll keep you all informed.

Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards, Ruud Baltissen

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