Re: PCB CAD Options (was: Re: Is it at all possible?)

From: Per Olofsson <>
Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:54:25 -0500
Message-Id: <>
On Tue, Feb 14, 2017, at 01:17 PM, wrote:
> > On 2017-02-14, at 19:08, Francesco Messineo <> wrote:
> > 
> > not real time, there's a third party tool (afair) that propagates back
> > some changes to the schematic (but you have to reload the schematic).
> > However I find more logical to update the schematic, generate the
> > netlist and then reload the netlist on the PCB, that's quick.
> Only if you haven't heavily used the real-time forward and
> back-annotations as known in EAGLE. Even with relatively simple boards it
> pays. With more complex stuff, especially chips with hundred(s) of pins
> the ability to see the potential routing possibilities changing in real
> time becomes invaluable.

Have you tried the interactive push & shove router in KiCad? It's really
quite fantastic to work with:

If you're doing design changes in the schematic while laying out your
board it's a few more clicks compared to EAGLE, but the interactive
router more than makes up for it imho. The only thing I really miss in
KiCad is a decent autorouter - not for actually routing traces, but as a
quick way of judging different board layouts.

  Per Olofsson

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