Re: 1541 Assy# 250442

From: William Levak <wlevak_at_SDF.ORG>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2016 05:10:37 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>
On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, wrote:

>> On 2016-11-22, at 16:30, William Levak <wlevak@SDF.ORG> wrote:
>> The information was taken from:
>>  1540/1541 Technical manual  990445
>>  1540/1541 Service Manual 314002-01
>>  1541/1541-II Service Manual 314862-01
>>  Sams Computerfacts CD4 VIC-1541, 1541
>> They contain the following disclaimer:
>>  The information is made available solely on an as is basis, and the
>>  entire risk as to quality and accuracy is with the user.
> I understand.
>> I have no control over the content of Commodore's manuals or the Sams Computerfacts.  If you have better information, you should post it so we all will have access to it.
> William, but (besides looking for 250442 schematics) that's what I am doing. Please take no offence. I simply thought that since (I believe so, based on the metadata of the boards.txt file) you created that file, you may want to update it with the seemingly more correct information I posted.

Looking at the schmatic, I find a note that it is good for 250442 and 
250446 with the following changes:

      Component    250442      250446
         UD4        9602       74LS123
         R12        22K          15K
         C31        33pF      Eliminated

It appears that the same PCB was used for two different assemblies.
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