RE: Commodore 386SX-25 and Windows 3.11

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <>
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2014 08:19:55 +0000
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Julian,

> From memory, you may need to specify the svga mode in the [DISPLAY] 
> section of system.ini.

I tried, didn't work. But I found a SVGA driver, 800*600-16. I tried the 256 color version but that one acted weird. The 1024*768 wouldn't run at all. But I'm happy enough with the 800*600 one.

So now I have Netware Personal running on my 386SX and my PC20-III. Both capable of accessing 8 GB of hard disk :) I now have to add some UMB memory to the PC20 so I will be able to load various network programs high. I can do it using a SRAM card I built my self or using one of those IBM's memory expansion cards with DRAMs. The disadvantage of the last one: it has to be "initialized" by writing and reading to it before installing the UMB driver otherwise I will get a parity error. The advantage of the PC20: it got a big EPROM with lots of free space so I should be able to tweak it a bit.

I installed an "old" 3C905C-TX network card alongside my 1 Gb one in my IBM PC. XP uses the 1 Gb one, W98 the 3COM. I also found Netware drivers for it so now I have two ways to exchange data with the 386SX; Personal Netware on both machines and WfW <-> W98.

You are always welcome for information about drivers, programs or how I did it!

FYI: don't worry, I'm also busy with the 65xx machines. But a break sometimes is needed :)

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
Ruud Baltissen

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