Re: C64 board ROM chip spacing

Date: Thu, 2 May 2013 14:14:42 +0200
Message-Id: <>
On 2013-05-02, at 14:01, Michał Pleban wrote:

>> .. and 0.9" in the SX. Also on my SX boards (I am not sure if there were other revisions than 251102A) KERNAL is 28 pin (2564) while the other are regular 901225/6 with 24 pins. My guess is that for the quantities of the SX-64 CBM was able to shifting at the price, it didn't pay to make a new ROM chip.
> One more question - this 2564 KERNAL is still in the middle, like on the
> old C64 board?

It is in the middle, like on the regular 64 board but his right-hand side [*] neighbour is a 901226, unlike on the regular board ;-) Yes, the CHAROM is on the left there ;-)


* - if we look at the top, labeled side of the chip with its pins pointing away and the orientation notch is on the upper edge
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