Re: Eagle-Libraries for commodore-stuff (... and maybe others, too)

Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 16:48:10 +0200
Message-Id: <>
Just for a little side-note: it is better to start new thread rather than replying in an old one when new subject is to be discussed.

On 2013-04-27, at 18:31, Nils Stec wrote:
> as many of you know, there are a lot of people around the net asking for eagle or other pcb-cad libraries for chips, cartdriges, ....
> Some time ago i created a eagle lib for the 6581 and today i created some for 6502, 6503, 6504, 6505, 6506, 6507, 6512, 6513, 6514, 6515, 65ce02.
> You can see/download them here
> I want to build one big eagle library which includes all those mos/csg chips and connectors.
> Is anyone of you willing to help or has anyone already built libs to include into this project?
> At the moment I still don't know which license would be best, but i think i want to release it under a 100% free license, which prevents commerical use. If anyone want's to sell sth he has to do his own libs!
> But if anyone would like to help and doesn't like such conditions, we could think about licenses which allow that.
> I hope you're interested in this,

Yes, definitely..

1. I know Ruud has made already an excellent contribution in the field of creating EAGLE libs for CBM (and related) parts. I use some of his libs too. I made some connectors (or rather imporoved upon Ruud's original versions) too.

2. I don't think licencing it in a commercially preventive way would do good to the project. I mean - nobody is going to get "filthy rich" selling CBM related stuff, is anyone? And if somebody wants a few quid for his hobby efforts, even if only to justify all the "useless waste of time" in the eyes of his wife [*] ;-) then I believe it is better to let him do this and maybe an interesting product will pop-up.

My two paragraphs (each worth $0.01) :-)


* - No, don't look at me. I am the really lucky one!
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