Re: Need a 6509 and a PLA for a Commodore 720

Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 13:18:35 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Rob,

> but can someone confirm or deny that the 720 used the same PLA?

The 720 is a 710 with 256 instead of 128 KB of RAM. And IMHO it 
would be more costly to produce a different PLA just because two 
rows of ICs are missing then using the same PLA for all versions.
Just like with the good old XT boards...

> Second is the CPU, I have no idea where to find a 6509 unless
> someone happens to have one spare...

I have, address please.

   / __|__
  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud Baltissen
  \ \__|_\

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