Commodore PCs

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:03:40 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hallo allemall 

> W dniu 2011-10-30 19:29, Michał pisze:
> But playing with machines that are little known, that is really interesting.

And that's why I'm playing with those newer Commodore PCs. The older ones, the PC10 and Colt, are more or less IBM compatible IMHO (I haven't really investigated them yet). But the PCxx-III are less compatible: you cannot use a PC keyboard or vica versa. Lately my 27 years old original IBM keyboard died under my hands and I plugged in the one of my PC10-III but the IBM board didn't recognize it :( I found an older C= keyboard, probably of the Colt, and that one was accepted.

I already knew that the PC10-III didn't accept the IBM keyboard as well. If you look at the source code of the BIOS you'll see some strange things related to the handling of the keyboard: the use of the registers in the range $060-$063 is in some cases completely different from the ones of the IBM plus there is an extra reguster at $230 involved. I even had the idea that the PC10-III used an AT-keyboard (the layout is the same) but it didn't accept an AT-keyboard clone either. Then I remembered that some years ago I connected a PC30-III and PC40-III (80286) to my KVM switch, which was accepted by various 80286-, 80386- and newer IBM-clone boards without any problem, and it wasn't accepted by these C= PCs as well.

AFAIK I haven't any technical info about my C= PCs. Anyone having this kind info, please feel free to send it to me! Many thanks in advance!

    / __|__ 
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud 
   \ \__|_\ 
    \___|       URL: 


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