RE: Update
Date: 2008-02-26 07:33:51

Hallo Spiro,

This is the piece of code from the 1541:

L_C245		cpx	F1CNT		; ',' after '=' ?
		beq	L_C24C		; no, ->

		ora	#$04		; set bit 2

L_C24C		ora	#$03		; set bit 0 and 1
		eor	IMAGE
		sta	IMAGE		; flag syntax test

L_C254		lda	IMAGE
		ldx	INSTRU
		and	TblSyntax-8,X	; combine with checkbyte
==>               ^^^^^^^^^

		bne	L_C260		; faulty syntax, ->


L_C260		sta	ERWORD		; set error flag

		lda	#$30
		jmp	OutputErrorMsg	; 30, 'Syntax error'

Tabel found at $FEAD:

;**  Bytes for syntax check
TblSyntax	.by $51, $DD, $1C, $9E, $1C
;		     ^                   ^
;		     |                   |
;		     +-------------------+---- why are these here?

I found out that $1C is used by the directory command:

;**  Load directory
J_DA55		lda	#$0C		; command number 12
		sta	INSTRU 

12 - 8 = 4, $51 is at the 4th place. No misunderstanding here IMHO

The $51 should be used for the COPY command IMHO. But there is a
problem, the table:

;**  Table of command words
.by "V"					; Validate
.by "I"					; Initialize
.by "D"					; D (back up, not used)
.by "M"					; Memory
.by "B"					; Block
.by "U"					; User
.by "P"					; Position
.by "&"					; USR execute
.by "C"					; Copy
.by "R"					; Rename
.by "S"					; Scratch
.by "N"					; New (Format)

shows that Copy is at place 8. So "TblSyntax-8" will point to $51 IMHO.

		ldx	#$0B			; strat with New command

L_C16A		lda	TblCommands,X	; compare commands
		cmp	CHAR		;   with char
		beq	L_C17A		; found, ->

		bpl	L_C16A

		lda	#$31		; NOT found
		jmp	OutputErrorMsg	; 31, 'syntax error'

L_C17A		stx	INSTRU

===>		cpx	#$09		; commandnumber < 9 ?    <===

		bcc	L_C184		; yes ->

		jsr	ChkSyntax	; test for R, S or N

L_C184		ldx	INSTRU		; X = commandnumber

At the place marked with ===> the value 8 is ruled out for a syntax
check IMHO. Or am I wrong ???

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