RE: 1541IDE and 1541IDE-S
Date: 2007-12-04 08:07:29

Hallo Jim,

> if Ruud will send the EAGLE SCH file  

With pleasure, but then you have to wait until this evening (GMT+1) when
I'm home again.

> Tying IC7A pin 3 to pin 1 seems redundant.  Can't pin 3 simply be
> grounded?

Yes, it can. But drawing and soldering a wire from pin 3 to 1 is much
shorter then from 3 to 8 :)

> DMARQ, IORDY have 10K pulldowns.  Why can't those simply be grounded?

And frying my harddisk? These are outputs! :) 
But why they are needed, I don't know. I didn't find anything in the
original specs mentioning that these outputs are some kind of OC
outputs. When I started to work with IDE at the end of the 90's, I found
two different IDE interfaces and both used these resistors. Why arguing
two prooven designs? Even if they aren't needed at all, they won't do
any harm either IMHO.

> Ruud, did you previously create a 8 bit to 16 bit interface for IDE 
> drives for another project?  If so, is this design a subset?

Yes, it is (more or less). Strange, I thought it was on my site as well.
I'll send you the SCH as well.

Hallo allemaal,

This morning I awoke with a great idea: there is a person on this list
who already programmed 90% of what we need: Joe with his Star Commander.
And we all know SC is very fast....
What we need is the mechanism of SC to read the raw data from the disk.
But instead of sending it to the host computer, we send it to the
harddisk. And vica versa of course.

So my question for Joe: are you willing to cooperate in this? MTIA!

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:


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