Re: Problem with 9V/12V

From: Raymond C. Bryan (
Date: 2005-12-07 03:43:25

>  >>>>> "M" == MagerValp  <> writes:
>M>   * 250407 board.
>M>   * PSU is fine, I measure 9.4 VAC at the power connector, and 5 V on
>M>     the user port.
>M>   * With the fuse removed, I measure 9.4 VAC across C21.
>M>   * With the fuse in place, I measure 2.0 VAC across C21, but this
>M>     fluctuates a bit (0.6 - 2.1 VAC).
>M>   * With the fuse in place, I measure 0.15 V across pins 2 and 3 on VR1,
>M>     the 7812, and this also fluctuates a little.
>M>   * I tried removing the VIC and the SID, which I believe are the only
>M>     9/12V ICs, and it didn't have any effect.
>I did some more measurements:
>   * 1.1 V across C19.
>   * 0 V across C90.
>   * 1.1 V across C88.
>My 1982 board measures 10/10/17 V. It looks like CR4 could be the
>culprit (likely, unlikely anyone?). It's a PITA to desolder, but at
>least it's cheap to replace...

Did you check the clock from the crystal and the logic ICs inside the 
can with the VIC?  If the clock is not running the VIC has no output.

|Raymond C. Bryan  651-642-9890 vox      | The battle is sometimes |
|Raymond Computer  651-642-9891 fax      | to the small for 
|795 Raymond Ave   -email:  raycomp      | the bigger they are     |
|St Paul MN  55114          | the harder they fall.   |
|USA              Amiga - Commodore      |     -- James Thurber -- |

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