Re: Data transfer methods

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2005-05-12 10:37:37

>>>>> "JB" == Jim Brain <> writes:

JB> No taker here. at least not yet. USB is not nearly as easy to
JB> implement, and unless you can shoehorn your project into a
JB> well-supported USB family like HID, you're into writing device
JB> drivers for each OS you intend to support.

So if you make it appear as a serial port, shouldn't you be able to
use your VIP server unmodified?

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .  Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .

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