Re: mmu for 65c02

From: Jim Brain (
Date: 2005-04-22 16:16:45

Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) wrote:

>Hallo Jim,
>>Uh oh, as now .A is corrupt, and there is no way to reset it.
>So what, the CPU was tresspassing anyway. I don't think that particular
>process will be allowed to continue anyway and therefore the return address,
>flags and other saved registers will be erased. So no harm is done and
>therefore your solution is not needed IMHO.
True, if all you want to do is terminate the app, but I was thinking he 
might want to map the page and continue.


Jim Brain, Brain Innovations                      
Dabbling in WWW, Embedded Systems, Old CBM computers, and Good Times!

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