Re: Several answers (3)

From: MagerValp (MagerValp_at_Goth.Org)
Date: 1998-04-01 13:21:37

>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Fachat <> writes:

Ruud> After all by switching the _charrom_ to graphics mode.... How
Ruud> this is done on the PET? I found out by poking 59468,12. but
Ruud> that (certainly) is not the friendly way to do it.

Andre> As far as I know (probably PETdoc or pet-FAQ prove me wrong)
Andre> this is the only way. Probably there is a PRINT CHR$(??) as in
Andre> the C64.

Print CHR$(14) for lower case and CHR$(142) for upper case.

    ___     .              +   .       .              .   Per Olofsson
 ._|___|_,       .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
    o-o     +   .  +  MagerValp@Goth.Org .   .     +     +     +   .  
     -     .      .     .   o         +              .     .     .    
     "       +            +    .

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