Re: New toy
Date: 1998-03-21 20:32:31

Hallo Per,

Aan 21-03-98 19:01, in bericht 
<>, MagerValp 
<MagerValp@Goth.Org> schreef:

> I picked up what I thought was a PET 2001 at a local flea market
> today. Now that I'm home I realize that it's a PET 200, aka 8032-SK,
> with a dual 8050 disk drive and an 8023P printer, complete with all
> cables and in perfect working condition. This is great :) A few
> questions that some of you may be able to answer:

As Andre said: you're lucky :-)

>   What kind of disks should I use in the 8050? Are normal 5.25" 48 TPI
>   DSDD disks OK? It formatted them OK but I haven't done any real
>   testing.

DS/DD 96 TPI (or 100 TPI). Normal 360 KB diskettes are 48 TPI. Before I got 
some from Frank I used these but I encounterd problems so you're warned.
>   Which chip is used for generating the display? 6545? I couldn't find
>   one on the motherboard, but I didn't look very hard. There was a
>   hitachi IC called HD46505 -- could this be it?

UB13 : 6545

>   There appears to be two casette interfaces -- is this the case?
>   Hardly useful, is it?

As Andre said, one was for the internal drive. Both can be used. The first one 
has device number one and the second suprise suprise.... two! (I think the one 
on the side is #1) The last one was discarded when C= decided to add a RS232 

About books etc. I'll make a list of all books/magasines/etc. I have concerning 
C=. But give me some time please. I'll also add a list of the ones our C= club 

Groetjes, Ruud

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